Rocket Fuel Design

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Consistency in Social Media

The Importance Of Consistency With Social Media

The Importance Of Consistency With Social Media

We get it, life gets busy and business gets hectic. But you wouldn’t skip on paying a bill so why would you skip on posting to your social media platforms? Consistency is one of the key factors in running successful social media platforms. The number one thing you hear from successful YouTubers is to be consistent but what does that mean? When we talk about consistency we are not just talking about consistent posting but consistent voice and branding too!


Why is Constance posting?

Building Relationships

Like building any relationship, being there for someone, being ‘predictable’ is important. It’s much the same when it comes to building a relationship with your audience and customers on social media.

Being ghosted and being spammed doesn’t go well in any relationship! So be consistent, every day post, 3 times a week or even just once a week is so much better than being showered with promotional posts when you’re feeling desperate or need to make that sale. 

Find a balance of what works for you and your business both in the busy times and not so busy times. Developing a content schedule or always have evergreen content ready for those stressful weeks is a godsend.

Consistency in Social Media
The Algorithm 

All social media platforms have their own way do doing things when it comes to their algorithms and it changes all the time [way to keep us social media managers on our toes!]. Which makes it tough for us to give you an in-depth understanding of what you should do [feel free to book in a FREE 15 min consultation with Lainey to talk further about your socials here].

A general rule of thumb is – the more you post the more engagement you get which helps to boost your future posts [within reason of course]. How does this work? Well, social media platforms aim to keep their users on their platform as long as possible. They want to show their users content that keeps them engaged and using the app for longer. So the more they intact with your content through clicks, reactions/likes and comments the more likely your content will appear on their newsfeeds.


What does Consistency Look like on Social Media?

The Content 

The type of content you post is so important. You want to share content that is in line with your business, relatable and adds value. When we say you should have consistent content we don’t mean the same content themes over and over again. It is important to post a variety of content, but that variety of content has to be in line with your business. Being a design and Marketing company it makes little sense for us to post about fashion, but if we posted about the changes in fashion on social media it is more in line with what our business does.

For example on Rocket Fuel Design’s Instagram, we follow a grid theme that keeps our content looking consistent but allows us to change it up and keep some variety in what we post.

Rocket Fuel Design's Grid guide to keep content looking consistence but the content itself varied. The gride goes colour tile photo, colour tile photo, white background, photo repeat. - Consistency in Social Media

If your content is all over the place and has nothing to do with your offering you are guaranteed to lose followers because they are not getting what they thought they came for. So stay true to what you do and add value to your audience. If you want to know more about how to find content for your social media platforms checks out our blog – Guide to curating content for your social media

Constant Brand Voice:

First, what is a brand voice? A Brand voice is the distinct personality, words, phrases, symbols etc. that you business uses. 

For example, at RFD  you can expect to see consistency on the way we display our brand name, our acceptable swearing, the emojis and the that we use. Here are some of the examples of our brand voice in our marketing branding guide:

RFD Brand Voice Guide showing off what words and emojis are okay and not okay to use. E.g. Rocket ship emoji is okay, but eggplant isn'tHaving a consistent brand voice is important so you know who/what you’re dealing with. If you had grown up with your grandmother your whole life with an English accent and a very ‘proper’ way of speaking and then suddenly she is speaking slang you would feel quite confused, right?

Having your own brand voice guide, auditing yourself and making sure your voice suits your personas and audience is important so you can make sure you’re speaking with consistency and connecting with your audience. 


Constance Branding: 

Keep your branding looking similar across all your social media platforms. This doesn’t mean they have to look exactly the same, but similar use of colours, fonts, logos is perfect. We highly suggest adapting to not just the sizing of each individual platform, but to their best practices too. This will help to develop brand recognition, loyalty and trust. Across all our socials and website we use the same styles of colour and logos throughout.

Producing a style guide is a great way to make sure your whole team knows which colours and logos they can use when producing content. 

Collage of Rocket Fuel Design's social media planform profile pages - Consistency in Social Media

Sometimes, we compare social media to the yellow pages, people often look up your social media page to check if your business is still operating. There are billions of websites out there and a lot of them are owned by inactive businesses. Posting consistently on your socials helps to demonstrate to potential and past clients that you are in fact relevant and in work, not to mention all the great offerings you have that they might have missed on your website. 

RFD Style guide with logo options, symbol options, allowed fonts and colours - Consistency in Social Media


Consistency is key when doing anything in life – yes we sound like your parents. However, it is so true especially with social media platforms. The best way to stay consistent is to plan and strategise your content and branding. At Rocket Fuel Design we have a range of Social Media Workshops to help you come out with real and practical tips and tricks for your social media that you can apply straight away. 

A successful social media presence pays to regularly post to build relationships and get the best of the algorithms. Keep in mind the content you share, your brand voice and your style. This way your audience gets the best possible experience with your business online. 

Got any questions about your business’s marketing, book a FREE 15-minute No-obligation Consultation with Rocket Fuel Design Founder, Lainey.  



Click here to book a FREE 15-minute No-obligation Consultation

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